“KINTARO Cells®” are adult
multipotent stem cells. These cells are bone marrow-derived mesenchymal
stem cells which are cultivated and extracted from young, healthy donors
in their twenties by using Kintaro Cells Power Corporation’s customized
advanced technology. Stem cells are already used for clinical trials
and treatments around the world. Kintaro Cells® is developed using exceptionally high-quality cultivation standards and methods.
The advantage of using “KINTARO Cells®”
is established through collaborations with specialists in the field of
medical science in Japan which includes Tokyo Medical University. In our
joint research program, we will continue to study KINTARO Cells®”
for the research and development of the next-generation of
bio-pharmaceutical drugs. Our company has acquired three patents which
include: the method of stem cell cultivation, the method of stem cells
culture production, the method of activated stem cells. In addition, we
have submitted an application for three more patents with the use of
“KINTARO Cells®”.
Medical science and medical treatment technologies are advancing at a
rapid speed, far beyond our imagination. As a BioMaker of Regenerative
Medicine, we at Kintaro Cells Power Co. will continue to pursue our
mission of increasing healthy life expectancy of people by working to
unveil the future of regenerative medicine in conjunction with using our
own technologies.