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Corporate News


"2023 Otaru Snow Light Path in OSHORO" was held again this year on Saturday, February 18th at KINTARO Sells Power's Otaru Oshoro Institute.
 Events include "OTARU Flamenco Marbella (Kahoru & Yuko)", "Otaru Taiko Drums Kokyo (THE MATURIYUKI)", and "Fukiko Asahara & Gosperquaia (Otaru Sea of Grace)". 
Rune marks and Malaysian flags were projected on the roof and walls of the building, and the venue was lively. "Yukiakari no Michi" was held in Otaru City for the first time in three years, and according to the Hokkaido Shimbun, it was reported to have attracted more than 250,000 visitors.







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